Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Male Nudist & Epic Douchebag Levi Johnston Owes Britol Palin More Cash

TMZ is reporting that Playgirl nude model and legendary douchebag and underage girl banger Levi Johnston must pay $21,561.12 in back child support to Bristol Palin, daughter of moose shooting hockey mom and Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin. Lesson to guys out there. Don't get an underage girl pregnant if you don't have a job, a future, class or a brain cell in your skull. Three thoughts for young Johnston: 1)  I think Playgirl caters more to gay dudes than chicks so know your target audience unless that is what you are going for and 2) You can't make a living out of posing nude (Nude Johnston Dude) and slamming the Palin family forever. They are the family of your baby moma so learn to love them. Besides, Sarah Palin seems like one tough chick and she loves to hunt. She may just claim that she thought you were a naked moose who barged into her daughter's bedroom and bust a cap in your ass; and 3) if you are going to pose nude (and you should not ever do that) work on your lower abs and try to look a little less gay (although there is nothing wrong with that) when looking at the camera. Oh shizzle! Just caught myself critiquing a naked dude's body. WTF! Well as long as I am going there, work on your bicepts, tricepts, pecs and thighs too - basically every bodypart in the photo.

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