Thursday, November 11, 2010

Call of Duty: Black Ops / Kobe Bryant / Call of Booty?

Just in case you have been hiding under a rock, the biggest  video game franchise in the last decade just released it's latest edition, Call of Duty: Black Ops. The super shooter has been setting sales records with a gargantuan $360 million in revenue in just the first 24 hours. Just to put this number in perspective, Star Wars: Return of the Jedi did "only" $309 million during its entire U.S. run in theatres. COD: Black Ops crushed that in a day. Take that George Lucus and let your cuddly Ewoks smoke it!

No need to see a ton of commercials for the game because it is one of those word of mouth phenomenons that just go viral and global. But there is this hilarious COD: Black Ops video feature none other than basketball superstar Kobe Bryant and Jimmy Kimmel:

Also just to mention for the fun of it, there is, or course, a porn parody of Call of Duty called inappropriately enough "Call of Booty: Modern Whorefare." Yep, just gotta love the porn industry sometimes.

Some porn company has got to be working on Call of Booty: Black Cocks. I will keep you posted if I hear about it.

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